what is a doula?

Maybe you’re asking yourself, “What in the world is a doula?” You are not alone in asking the question. A doula is a trained birth professional who concerns herself with the care of a mother before, during, and after pregnancy. She is experienced in childbirth and serves with gentle excellence. She provides emotional support and physical comfort to the laboring mother as well as direction and guidance for the mother’s partner or other supporters.

what if I've already had children? Can a doula still help me?

Our doulas provide services to mothers of all kinds! Whether this is your first baby or you’re on number four, we want to join you in the miraculous process of bringing life into the world. All mothers need and deserve support; a doula offers expertise to new moms and comes alongside experienced mothers for extra encouragement.

what if i don't want a "natural" childbirth? Can I still use a doula?

will a doula take the place of my husband or support person?

Doulas are, first and foremost, available to mothers. We are not here to persuade or dictate your birth experience. We are here to support and encourage you in whatever decision you make. Doulas give mothers permission to follow their own hearts without pressure. No matter what type of birth experience you’re hoping for, a doula can certainly serve you during any part of it.

The short answer is - NO! Our goal as doulas is to foster an environment where you and your support people feel supported and empowered. Husbands and partners can often experience a range of emotions during labor, from excitement to uncertainty. A doula’s presence is valuable in guiding them through the process by offering practical advice and emotional reassurance. By helping partners stay involved in meaningful ways, a doula empowers them to be an active and supportive part of the birth experience, easing their own anxieties and strengthening their connection with the laboring mother.